Monday, November 13, 2006

Jesus on the Down Low

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Why was it that when Jesus would perform miracles, he would tell people not to tell where he was and what he did. (Mark 1:44) How come when Jesus drove out demons he didn't permit them to speak and say who He was?(Mark 1:34) Wouldn't that have been a powerful testimony; that even the demons knew about the Messiah? One demon actually did proclaim about Jesus earlier in Mark and Jesus told it to shut up (Mark 1:23-25). So, why was Jesus "creepin' on the down-low"?

It was because the Jews were waiting for a politician. They were waiting for a king to come and overthrow the government and set up his kingdom.
"Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself."-John 6:15 They didn't understand Christ's purpose and wanted Christ to fulfill their agenda not His own. Their agenda was interfering with what Christ was trying to accomplish, so, for a while he had to "creep" to get the job done.

Oh, how guilty we are of the same thing! We too want Jesus to serve our purpose instead of wanting to serve His. We want Him to follow our schedule and have our if we ourselves know what is good for us. We must concentrate more on what Jesus wants to do for us and through us than on what we think He should be doing.
Is your agenda interfering with what Jesus is trying to accomplish in your life?

Be Encouraged,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the background music despite not being from "your generation".

In this society of "Christophobia" (my new vocabulary word), we may one day find ourselves resorting to go on the "down low" in order to exercise our faith.

I pray that we all have the strength of our faith and commitment to the Lord when that time comes.

Blessings, Mom

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